Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine in San Francisco & San Mateo

Functional medicine is a relatively new term, based on very old philosophies of health. Practitioners of Functional Medicine believe that each patient is a whole. Therefore, just because they have a headache, the cause may not be anything to do with the head.

A consultation regarding Functional Medicine will probably be a long interview concerning the patient’s history, medical but also psychological, environmental, familial, laboral and other components. By creating a model, the doctor will be in a better situation to treat the patient according to their specific needs, normally with a homeopathic remedy.

We have developed a conveyor belt style of medicine in contemporary society. Doctors have no time to truly examine the cause of patient’s problems. Functional Medicine is an alternative to this.

For obvious reasons, the traditional medical community, including pharmaceutical companies, has attempted to denigrate Functional Medicine, but the truth is that there have been remarkable results.

Patients with gastro-intestinal problems, for example, have reported major improvements following Functional Medicine treatments. Putting more chemicals into the body is often not the most advantageous way of solving a long-term problem.

If you have serious, or even less serious problems, ask about Functional Medicine for a natural approach to improving your health and your lifestyle.

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